It’s suggested that all pool owners shock their swimming pool once per week. Doing so will keep your water safe and clean. Let’s take a look at other instances that call for a shock, especially during the summer.
How Often To Shock Your Pool In The Summer
In the summertime, the best time of the day to shock the pool is in the evening. This is because the sun’s rays may impact the effectiveness of the chlorine by dissolving the chemicals too quickly.
The evening is a great time to shock the pool also because the water shouldn’t be swam in for the next 12-24 hours. As mentioned above, it’s suggested to shock the pool once per week.
When To Shock Your Pool
Along with keeping up with regular pool maintenance needs, there are some other times to shock the water. These times are outlined below.
Opening The Pool
If your pool has been closed for the colder months, it may have a buildup of both algae and bacteria. Shocking the pool in the early spring can rid the water of contaminants.
After Hot Weather
During extended periods of hot weather, especially during the summer in Arizona, the temperature of your pool will rise. This can lead to bacteria growth, which impacts the strength of the chlorine. Shock your pool following extended periods of hot weather.
After Rain
When rainfall is heavy, contaminants often enter the pool. This leads to an increase in pH levels and calls for a shock.
After Heavy Use
It’s no secret heavy use of the pool will lead to an increase in bacteria. This can lead to a drop in chlorine levels. So, it’s suggested to shock the pool following any large pool parties.
Strong Chlorine Smell
Noticing a strong scent of chlorine may make you think the water is clean, but this is usually a sign of contaminant buildup. Red and irritated eyes is another sign that a shock is called for.
Closing The Pool
Closing the pool is a perfect opportunity to shock the water. Make opening your pool a lot easier by shocking the water if you choose to close it for the season.
Above All Pool Care In Scottsdale, AZ
We specialize in green pool cleaning and can have your green pool cleaned fast in Scottsdale and surrounding areas. Call or contact us to get a free quote. Let Above All Pool Care educate and equip you for your year-round swimming season.